CH. Gallivant Gansett Sea Breeze 


Call Name: Breezy
Date of Birth: 09/23/2021
Color: Black
Registration Number: SS31371503
Hips: Good
Elbows: Normal
Cardiac: Normal Ausc + Echo
Eyes: Normal
prcd-PRA: Clear
EIC: Clear
CNM: Clear

Our beautiful Breezy, co-owned with Annmarie Ruggieri of Baylake Labradors, was bred to the stunning BISS GCH CH Skyfire’s Monster (MoMo), owned by Stephanie Harris of Skyfire Labradors, and delivered a healthy litter of black and yellow puppies! You can learn more about MoMo on Skyfire Labradors’ website.


AM. CH. Clearcreek Dust In The Wind AM. CH. Hyspire Maritime Everything You Always Wanted MBISS GCH CH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive
AM. CH. Maritime Forecast Matilde
AM/CAN ENG SH CH Clearcreek Bonaventure Windjammer JH AM. CH. Bonaventure's Clipper
Clearcreek Bonaventure Aspens Run
CH Gallivant Along Came Polly MBISS GCHB CH Lakeside Memoir of Gallivant CGC, TKN Gallivant Big Pine Out of Africa
AM GCH Meredith Herbu Zadora
Santy High Dream Emilia AM. GCH. CAN. CH. U-CH Annual's Nostalgic at Hilldreams
Dreammaker's Behama Mama