Meet our Gorgeous Girls
Gallivant Labradors puts Looks, Health, and Temperament first.
The Gallivant Girls
Click on the photo of the dog to view their individual pages
BISS GCH Gallivant Broadways The Winds In The Willows
Hills’n Moor’s Martha’s Pink Port (Denmark)
CH Bellwether Jolene
Gallivant Broadway's The African Queen
Co-owned Girls
Click on the photo of the dog to view their individual pages
Gallivant Gansett Sea Breeze
Co-owned with Annmarie Ruggieri (Baylake Labradors)
Skyfire Danrich Laugh It Up
Co-owned with Stephanie Harris (Skyfire Labradors)
Retired Dogs
Click on the photo of the dog to view their individual pages
MBISS GCH CH Gallivant Drippin’ in Finnesse
Lab Fairytale’s Fingers Crossed (Denmark)
CH Gallivant Broadway's Encore
MBISS GCH CH Gallivant Working Girl at Bellwether
Vala Okeanas Elite (Lithuania)